So yea..
Great time to initiate a project.
Ape project sehh.
Yesterday was well spent with my dear friends..
We played futsal at Kallang Cage. It was a very last min plan actually for me.
Met Imran and Rashid and they ask me to come along.
Saw my squadmate there too.
And damn! Why the hell I wrote this way..
So boring.. But who cares..
After which met Kid and Amira at City Hall.
Cos that girl miss us lorr.
Wat can we say. Everybody miss us!
I think I should stop writing before people get bored and click on that red X button.
Some pictures for viewing.
Have a good day!
Till my next update..
I'm back again! Miss me? No? Yes?
I know twinnie miss me.
Kan twinnie kan?
I miss my friends.
Not the one at the center.
Cause I see him everyday at camp.
And I miss my hair also.
Bile ni rambut nk tumbuh?
So weekdays not so bad.
Everything good. And weekdays passed so fast that now I'm at home again.
I was chatting with Twinnie just now.
And she ask me to do some test on your personality.
So we did some of it.
And the outcome of everything..
We had a lot of similar results. Almost all actually.
Name pon twin kan..
And Tii.. Your weekends will as usual be happening yaw!
Cause I'm back bebeh!
And raya pics up.
Taken on 18 October.
During Devils Raya Outing..
And for you to know ..
I love my makcik-makcik!
And for sure.. Without any doubts.
They love me too!
Going back to camp later.
Twinnie don't sad2 k. =))
I'll msg you when I'm there.
5 days jek. Take care.
By the time you people read this post.
I'll already be in camp. Ready to sleep hopefully.
I've been online since afternoon till the time I'm writting this entry.
Doing nothing. No one to chat with since Simplisiti is out to school.
Mendak kau tau tak..
So I edited something. And already send to Tii for viewing pleasure.
Since I got nothing better to do.
And I don't even know why I'm writing all this.
I think because I'm just bored.
So its okay if you didn't wanna read it.
I'll be back by Friday night.
And Raya outing with Devils this Saturday.
And the following day would be getting ready back to camp again.
So yea.
This is what i edit just now.
And sent to Twinnie's email!
The date that will never come!
My days have been going well lately.
Except that I miss my family very much.
I miss my comp.
My psp. My twinnie. My room.
My everything.
3 months gonna be short.
Thanks for all the wishes dear frens.
Oct 7 the start of my new life.
Far from family and friends.
But new friends are made.
And they are the one who will be with me thru ups and downs.
For the next 3 months.
And twinnie got a lovely surprise from me.
When she reach back home from kampung.
And all thanks to those who make it happened.
Since I'm already in camp.
That bear! Tk pernah aku jadi sweet mcm gini.
Hope you like it yaw!
T-Bear is the name.
Buat pengganti diri since I'll be in camp.
Kalo boring2 bobal la ngan dia.
LOHEHA ngan dia ke.
And i also ask sisRad to set my botak picture as wallpaper at her lappy.
Mau terkejot jap bdk tu.
Lappy mu menjadi lappy ku skejap.
This was taken from her blog.
Pinjam kejap la ehk.
And last but not least.
Welcome to the family yaw.
That's all yaw!
Take care.
The time all of you are waiting for..
All of you ready?!?!
Laugh all you want guys..
2 more days.
I say bubbye to home.
Hello to Police Academy.
Raya pics will be up on my multiply.
Feel free to view and comment.
That was from first and second day of hari raya!
More pictures will be on Multiply soon.
Take good care people.
This entry will be specially for those loved ones.
Who've been with me thru ups and downs.
First of all.
To Mama and Papa.Selamat Hari Raya Aidil ucapkan kepadamu.
Ampun dan maaf dipinta diatas segala kesalahan yang telah Aidil lakukan.
Mahupon sengaja ataupon yang tk disengajakan.
Halalkan la makan dan minom.
Budimu mungkin tidak dapat kubalas.
Hanya doa semoga dimurahkan rezeki dan dipanjangkan umur dapat kuberikan.
Insya Allah.
Dan juga kepada..
Kakak-kakak ku..
Along dan Angah!Mohon ampun dan maaf atas segala kekasaran, tengkingan ataupon
apa saja yang mungkin telah melukai hatimu.
Halalkan makan minom dan hutang2 yang tertanggung.
Selamat Hari Raya!
DevilsSelamat Hari Raya kepada semua.
10 jari disusun memohon ampun dan maaf atas segala kesilapan.
Termaki, terkutuk, terlan-chiao-weh.
Dan ape-ape pon yg termasok dalam category.
Maaf la yerr.
Last but not least..
Mcm kasi anugerah gitu.
KhidirSelamat Hari Raya bro.
Masuk yang ni.. Aku tk tau bape byk kali aku da wish kau.
Mintak maaf lagi atas segala kesilapan aku da lakukan.
Sengaje atau tk sengaje.
Halalkan makan minom ataupon hutang2 yang masi tertanggung.
Selamat Hari Raya lagi...
Dan kepada
Mastura dan juga
Siti Hajar..
Terima kasih atas segala yang telah krg lakukan selama ni.
Bersama2 dgn Aidil diwaktu susah atau senang.
Selamat Hari Raya!
Aidil akhiri dengan serangkap pantun..
Buah laici buah strawberi..Di curi pulak si Labu Labi..Ampun dan maaf dari diri ini..Salah dan silap please forgive me......